How Abel are managing the risks related to COVID-19 for on-site visits

abel alarm covid

As much of the country begins to return to some form of normality following lockdown, Abel has been putting in place additional safety measures to ensure the safety of our staff and customers.

Throughout lockdown, Abel carried out site visits with existing and prospective clients using video call platforms such as FaceTime. With the resumption of on site visits, we have quickly adapted and found new ways of working and introduced additional safety measures in line with expert advice to help manage the risks related to COVID-19.

The measures Abel have put in place to create safe environments

Our team is calling customers ahead of visits to identify whether there are any suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 within the premises. Whether your home or place of work, our security engineers have been trained to adhere to the following safety measures:

  • Cleaning hands thoroughly before entering customer premises
  • Discuss safe systems of working and agree to any additional health and safety
  • control measures before starting work. For example, this could include asking all persons to remain in one room if possible while work is being carried out, wearing face coverings or additional PPE if required.
  • Maintain social distancing throughout the visit
  • Regularly clean common touch points during the work, such as keypads, door
  • handles and equipment. Upon completion of the work, our staff will carry out a final clean down of tools and any equipment as well as common touch points within their vehicle
  • Keeping customers informed during visit

Abel continues to regularly consult with industry bodies to ensure safe, clean working environments within homes and places of work. Working closely with these professional bodies has enabled us to better understand the specific safety requirements for our clients who operate cafés and restaurants, helping to safeguard their businesses, staff, customers and the wider public.

Carrying out maintenance and emergency work remotely

Our newly introduced remote support system allows our engineers to access connected systems without visiting your site. We are able to diagnose, test and resolve a variety of issues or carry out some emergency programming functions on your behalf.

Protecting our clients, staff and communities

Whether you are a business or a homeowner, you can be assured that we at Abel are taking all the necessary precautions that have been required over the last few months to ensure the safety of our clients and staff. We continue to adapt and adjust safety measures alongside government guidelines to protect our communities.

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